Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Preparation continues

Bulletin, Bulletin,  Festivus will be on December 24, starting at  1:00. 

Sylvie loves to build a skating rink on the ice.  If we can only find some skates for her. The Festivus preparations went full bore yesterday.  Wood is stacked high. The exact date and time has not yet been set, but everyone in the World is invited. Festivus is non-denominational.  So anyone without a gun is welcome.  

Kadizzle wondered several years ago at the first Fesitivus if the fire would burn through the ice.  It turned out it did not.  This year however the ice is thinner.  Now the Festivus tradition is that if the fire falls in the water it will not be a good year.  Pheasants abound along the creek and we even found frozen tracks of some dog like animal in the ice. 

Two important things must be kept in mind. First, Festivus is a time to air your grievances. So if you have been holding back with something all year this is the time to fire it out.  It is sort of like confession, but you will not be forgiven.  The second aspect is the feats of strength.  You can wrestle, challenge someone to an act of balance, life a heavy log, or make up your own, but you need to be prepared. 

Kadizzle has scrapped the snow away to form huge letters in the snow that spell FESTIVUS.  Hopefully planes will see it and land on the ice or at the airport.  Hazen, North Dakota has a 5,000 ft runway and can accommodate private jets.  Please call ahead for airport pickup. 

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