Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Mother of all Christmases

Off the Kadizzles went into the country to celebrate Christmas with the inlaws.  Daughter Erin married into a family of seven.  The numbers go wild from there. The tradition is for everyone and their grandmother to come to the house and be together.  This often means there are up to 28 people sleeping in a six bedroom house.  People end up stacked everywhere.  Go early in the morning and it looks like there has been a mass shooting of people in pajamas. One question is always " Do they have enough Christmas trees?".   As usual they had eight this year. Eight fully decked out trees.  Opening presents can take two hours.  Then there is the dinner.  Two large tables and one childrens table are set up to accommodate 32 people dining together.  Two 747 turkeys sliced, hundreds of pounds of potatoes mashed, and wine flowing freely.

After the great feast it is time for the talent show.  It must go by age. Sylvie and Clair do a song and dance routine that drives the crowd wild.  Next are Christmas carols accompanied by the piano.  Since Peggy has been teaching piano to kids for hundreds of years, plus her own kids some good music is sure to emanate.  The grand finally is Tim tickling the ivories. Tim has attended the party for 35 years and not every year does he display his talents. Of course a piano tuner would get the notes right.

Today the Kadizzles will host a reception for Cheech and Sam at the local golf course. Megan married Sam last September and the wedding was in Vermont, so the locals did not get to meet the couple yet.  After this things will slow down and the Kadizzles will migrate with the geese south.

At the morning weigh in Kadizzle was shocked to see the toll gravity has exerted on his body.  Expecting to wake up a little lighter Kadizzle actually gained weight in his sleep.  This should be impossible, but people should be caution.  Perhaps sleeping less is the answer.  When we get back to Arizona lugging and extra five or eight pounds up the mountain will teach Kadizzle a lesson about over indulgence.

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