Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Frenzy of simple mindedness

People love to be concerned.  Perhaps I should say people love to be scared.  Lets look at the recent past.  Remember the "Year 2000 computer disaster"?  People and companies went nuts over absolutely nothing.  Remember  Ebola?  The most dangerous thing you will do today is get in your car? It is no fun to be afraid of driving to the grocery store.  Some simple minded teenager texting will T-bone you and kill or injure you. That is the most likely way you will get hurt.  You will not get robbed, raped, or blown up by ISIS.  Those are all fun scary things.  A bunch of lunatics flew a plane into the World Trade Center.  They managed to kill about 3,000 people.  Gun violence kills ten times that many people in the country every day.  We spent billions and even trillions on the silly fight with the middle east.  Worse yet many more American soldiers were killed and maimed than the number of people hurt in the 9/11 attack.  All of this is great fun and keeps people scared and diverted from reality.  Americans have been bombing each other and committing mass shootings for years.  No one really cared, but when you give lunatics a special name and create a vast conspiracy it all works out great.  Best of all it give us a reason to piss away millions on the military.  One of the Republican clowns said " Planes in the Air Force are at the lowest number in years".  Works great to sell planes, but leaves out the fact that we now use drones.  The number of horses in the Army along with mules is at an all time low.  So we ignore the fact that bridges are falling apart, the roads are a mess, and we have the dumbest kids in the world because we will not pay teachers, but lets bomb the hell out of someone because we are scared.  We bombed the hell out of Iraq, but we are still scared.  Now we have a wonderful selection of right wing dolts running for president, using the word safe over and over.  We will make the country safe.  Selling hype and fear, and destroying logic and common sense, that is what sells.  Look at the gun nuts.  Every six months the NRA trumps up some scare about Obama taking away guns from idiots. Idiots rush to buy guns and ammunition. Do the idiots ever feel like suckers?  The people who feed off of war and violence give Republican war mongers money to get elected.  The right wing rodents beat the drums of war, and the militray pisses away our tax dollars in every concievable manner.  Yet a bunch of rag heads with nothing but AK 47s and Toyota Pick up trucks take us on and scare us to death.  Are we really that stupid.  The simple answer is yes.  It works every time.  Scare people and sell them alarms, guns, fences, locks, and mean dogs.  Now the best part.  Who causes all the problems in out country.  Of course it is the lousy welfare cheats. It is not the insurance companies, the Wall Street gang, or the pharmaceutical companies, it is the welfare cheats.  The welfare cheats use 2% of the GDP and only make up 20% of the population.  On the other hand the rich tax cheats make up 1 percent of the population and use up 60% of the GDP.  So who is the cheat?  The reality is most of those so called welfare cheats are single moms, people working two jobs, and the elderly.  50% of the wonderful job provider on top just inherited the cash. They did nothing but breath to get the money, but they are special. They deserve everything.  ISIS is everywhere be careful, get scared, vote for the meanest most hateful Republican you can find. That is the solution.

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