Thursday, December 03, 2015

Lets put guns in vending machines.

Some problems have very simple solutions.  Social security is a classic example. If people making over $118,000 per year were made to pay social security on their entire income there would be no social security problem.  It would be painless for those in that income bracket, but no one will even consider it.

How about guns? It could be a requirement that every gun have an RFD device implanted in it.  An RFD device is a radio frequency device.  Most department stores use those little RFD clips to keep people from stealing.  You know those little things they take off so you can go out of the store without setting off an alarm. The way they work is very simple.  When the chip is exposed to microwave energy it gives off a signal.  Now think about it.  What if guns gave off a signal when they were present? When you went in a school to murder children, or do a mass shooting, the gun would automatically set off an alarm.

Why don't we do this?  We are a country controlled by Fox News, Republicans, and Rush Limbaugh.  We have allowed the gun nuts to decide who gets elected. If you do not support the NRA in most states you cannot get elected.  So we have mass shootings every day.  So if guns are the solution and more guns are the solution according to the right wing gun nuts, lets put them in vending machines.  Once the gun fight breaks out you can use your credit card to get a gun at the grocery store, at the mall, and at school.  Why should anyone be denied the right to participate in a gun battle?  Are we really this stupid?

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