Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Death Row

Up as usual having coffee feeling no pain.  However we are on the planet Earth.  Life can change in a moment. Someone we know just went through an unexpected life change.  In less than a minute their life went from a sunny day on the beach to a complete disaster. We don't expect this to happen, but think how many people in the world are caught by war, floods, disease, and you name the disaster. In many parts of the world a bomb could drop through your ceiling as you have coffee.

Last night Kadizzle experimented with a little solar light meant to improve life for people in the third world who have no electricity.  The light could be life changing for a person in a hut in the middle of nowhere.  Kadizzle felt guilty holding it, when he knew he should send it to someone who really needs it.  The little light can provide five hours of light on one five hour solar charge.  It puts out a lot of light.  It is called a solarpuff. Check it out, it is a neat idea.

Life has it's little ups and downs and once you have cancer you really see how this works.  Every so often you get a test and they tell  you if the devil found a new home in your body, or you have held him at bay. Tomorrow Kadizzle will get the devil test.  It gives you a vague feeling of being on death row waiting for the governor to issue a reprieve.  Many cancer patients get a cycle of good news, and sometimes bad news.  In the end one realizes how fragile life is and the importance of enjoying it while you can.

Since Kadizzle has encountered the cancer devil he has been preaching to anyone who will listen to quit a job if they don't like it, and retire.  No matter what you will not live forever, you will not get healthier every year. While you have good health enjoy it.  Too many people are prisoners of their own mind.  They want one more dollar. They live in a state of fear.

In two days we will go from our home with wifi, heat, music, food, hot showers, and the luxuries we all strive for.  We will move back into our little winter abode.  We will trade arctic cold for the warmth of the desert sun.  We will be living a simple life where we put out the solar devices to harvest the sun every day.  Many times a simple life is a satisfying life.  The rat race of a bigger home, a more expensive car, a fancy cruise, and all the other pursuits of happiness often shrinks into perspective just sitting in a chair feeling the sun and watching a hummingbird.

The new year will soon start. The trick is to make it a new year.  A simple way to do it is to think about it differently.  Be a new person in a new year.  For some reason this brings George Wallace to mind.  The man was a terrible racist, a terrible human being.  After he was shot and paralyzed George Wallace was pushed around in a wheelchair by a kind black man.  The universe must have been sending George a strong message.  George Wallace changed.  He saw the evil of his ways, and he actually saw how evil he had been as a racist.  His best friend was the black man pushing him in the wheelchair.  Having the weight of hate, and racism lifted from him by simply seeing the world differently must have made a great difference in his life.  All he really did was change the way that he thought about the world.  How many people could change the world simply by changing the way they think about the world.  What if the guy who thinks the poor are lazy welfare cheats see them differently.  What if he sees them as people born with no inheritance, from broken homes who gave it their best, but failed?  What if we all just looked at people and tried to see the good in them instead of the bad?  What if we saw people as potential friends, neighbors, and quit seeing them as the person about to pull a knife or gun?  You get to decide how you see the world.  If you see the world as a dangerous mean place, you just put yourself in prison.

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