Wednesday, April 05, 2023

The Rat trap has been sprung, and the rat started singing

Watching the Trumpster whine about how he has been so badly treated was sickening. His lovers must be pathetic to cheer as the Donald cries about his mistreatment. Like one commentator said Donald needs a new song. The referees cheated me. Everybody hates me I'll go eat worms. What a pathetic human. Trump cannot admit he is a worthless cheating liar. To see an adult act like such a child is numbing. Worse is to see the crowd of sycophants praising the rat.  

One can just imagine the local cult members ecstasy hearing their lord tell how he has suffered at the hands of the truth. The local liars have learned so much from the pro. A snippet from the NYT

As a lapsed Southern Baptist, I’ll leave it to the more devout to debate whether this comparison qualifies as outright blasphemy or is merely idiotic. Regardless, it was a perfect distillation of Mr. Trump’s longstanding political refrain and current legal defense: He is the faultless victim of political persecution — a righteous martyr beset on all sides by America-hating, baby-eating Democrats and Deep Staters. In the Gospel According to the Donald, any bad thing he is ever accused of is just more proof that the forces of evil are out to get the MAGA messiah.

At the grocery store yesterday there was a Trump dolt with a blue Trump dolt hat, not the regular red one. Kadizzle asked the dolt what he thought about Trump cheating college students out of 25 million dollars. The dolt said he did not know about it. Kadizzle ask that questions to a lot of Trump dolts and is amazed that most of them are so ill informed they don't know about most of the crooked crap Trump has done. Trump dolts don't get half of what is going on with the crook because Fox News doesn't tell them. 

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