Sunday, April 23, 2023

Local version of Fox News

Moving from North Dakota to Arizona we found one thing in common, the right wing radio that mimics Fox News. Here in Payson good old Charlie Serarphin tells the dingers all their fantasies are true. Back in North Dakota Scott Hennen did the lying. If you listened to both Charlie and Scott you would think they were twins or bought the script from Fox. Each talks over you if you have them cornered, and each will hang up if you get the best of them. The format is the same, once you fire a good stinger on the simple minded. Charlie and Scott will let a dinger call in and ramble on about the terrible liberal that called. People wonder how the country got into such a mess with the ignorant flourishing. Well the answer is clear when you feed the flies, you will have more flies. Filling the hollow heads of the dingers is not hard, scare them, and feed them all the fantasy they can handle. Just say the magic words, Hillary, Obama, Biden, and of course the famous laptop. Next throw in some words like socialism, woke, and Antifa. The bigger the lie the better. Fox has made billions lying why not KMOG? What is the market for lying?

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