Thursday, April 13, 2023

Hooplehead History

You don't get to be a Hooplehead by reading, studying, curiosity, and attending college. What makes good Tea Party education is a confused version of history, a lack of scientific knowledge, and believing instead of knowing. It is no strange coincidence that the people who did not attend college voted for Trump. A good Hoople knows education and facts just confuse people. What really matters is what a bunch of other idiots think. There is a key to being a good Hooplehead, watch what you read. Make sure it has no substance or research. Always remember, " If you believe it, it is true".  A good foundation for a Hoople is the Bible. It makes no sense, but if you believe it, it is true. From there you are on your way to believing Trump and the Republicans. After all it was just tourist that smashed the windows out of the Capitol. 

Facts are pliable in the world of the Tea Party. Like clay they can be shaped with lies, and inuendo. Always start a Hooplehead meeting with a prayer, then start lying and distorting as fast as you can. 

Back to Hooplehead history. Your typical Hooplehead did not go any farther than high school. The amount of History you can know and understand with a high school education is obvious. This can be overcome with more education or just plain reading. Hooples don't read, if they do it is romance novels, or westerns. If you ever found an intellectual newspaper or book in a Hooples house be assured it got there by accident. 

Some things are hard to miss if you peruse normal news. How could you miss the fact Trump cheated college students out of 25 million. The answer is simple keep the TV on Fox. Now the real clincher, would you know Fox was nothing but lying rats if you watched nothing but Fox. Keep yourself in the bubble. 

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