Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Road Runner Sex

Mrs Kadizzle loves Road Runners. Willy and Nilly Road Runner have been building a nest near the Earth Module. Yesterday they planted Road Runner seeds. Kadizzle and Cliff got to watch the process. Willy was on top of Nilly. Road Runners do not give flowers, nope a smart Willy brought Nilly a lizard. While Willy planted the seeds he dangled a lizard in front of Nilly. It seemed like one of those deals where you dangle a carrot in front of a donkey. 

When the planting was done Willy gave Nilly the lizard. This seem a little like prostitution. Nilly wandered off with the lizard, and Willy smoked a cigarette. According to the experts the family will appear in twenty days. Road Runners mate for life, so the Kadizzles will have a baby shower for them with the little fellows emerge from under the bush. 

A good thing about Road Runners is they eat snakes, mice and other nuisances. The rattlesnakes are out and about. Yesterday two hikers said they each stepped on one on the Arizona Trial. One must use caution now that the rattlers are about. Night is a bad time, the rattlers like to hunt at night. Kadizzle always checks the rest room before stepping in, the rattlers like to go into warm places for the night. So far the Kadizzles have not seen one, but there have been some reports.  

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