Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Letter in Payson Roundup about liars Michael Heather, and Gary Morris has gone viral.

A good source told Kadizzle today the reputation of my two favorite local liars has gone viral with the letter by Kadizzle that was published in the Payson Roundup. Strongly suspect next week the liars will retaliate. Should be interesting.  

Since Kadizzle has been testing artificial intelligence he asked the Google system about the lies of Gary Morris and Michael Heather. Keep in mind A.I searches the entire internet. Bard as the Google system is know confirms that Michael Heather and Gary Morris are liars. Try it yourself. 

Fortunately there are public records of crimes, and who was a judge. Michael Heather and Morris cannot provide a single record to prove the falsehoods they allege. This is today's Republican Party. Trump has been documented by the Washington Post as lying 30,000 times. Trump averages 20 lies per day. Heather, and Morris will just have to work harder if they want to be more like Trump. 

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