Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Michael Heather the professional liar attacks the city commission.

 In mass the Hoopleheads attacked the city commission last Wednesday. Michael Heather the liar Kadizzle has had problem with wrote a letter to the editor in today's paper full of distortions and misrepresentations. Mr. Heather criticised the town attorney. All the Hoopleheads at the meeting started their bullshit with the same statement " I am not an attorney, but......"  After explaining their ignorance the then went on to act like Supreme court justistics. Good old Micheal Heather accused the city commissioners of secrecy, conspiracy, and lying, all area in which Michael Heather is an expert. 

The Hooples placed an ad on the radio to get the Hooplehead community riled up. It did not work. A few hard core Hooples showed up, but the actual number was small. Kadizzle was at the meeting for a zoning issue and saw the notorious liar Michael Heather. Since Michael Heather had lies in a letter to the editor about Kadizzle, Kadizzle approached Michael Heather and asked him if he would like to discuss his lies. Of course he did not want to have a discussion, but did offer to punch Kadazzle before he walked away. Heather is a classic Hooplehead and follows the Trump style of lying. 

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