Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Don't tell the whole story. What Michael Heather, and Gary Morris learned from Tucker Carlson

Fox News has lying and distortion down to a science. Here is a good example: Kevin McCarthy only gave Tucker Carlson the video from Trump's attack on the Capitol. Tucker clipped the video and left out the bad parts that would show it was an insurrection. By only showing parts of what happened Tucker gets the dingers to believe something that is not true. The rioters are portrayed by Tucker as just tourist. Now, we have Gary Morris. I freely admit I went to the Republican rat nest and tried to have a conversation with the rats about gun control. That part of the story never gets told by Gary Morris, or the Republicans. As our children get shot down at school, the Republicans don't want to discuss it. Republicans want to get votes by making sure every gun nut has a gun. The evolution of my arguments with the Republicans about gun control are always over looked. 

Now both Michael Heather, and Gary Morris have distorted what took place when I stuffed $23 down the shirt of Senator Kevin Cramer. The incident centered around Cramer's refusal to provide heath care for a young woman that was at the meeting. The young woman had a child born with severe birth defects. Gary Morris, and Michael Heather never mention that part of the story. Gary Morris, and Michael Heather both distort what Rob Port knows about my interactions with Senator Kevin Cramer. I spoke directly to Senator Cramer on Rob Ports radio show. Thousands of people heard Senator Cramer say I DID NOT ASSAULT HIM. Although that proof is out there both Heather and Morris continue to portray the incident as Tucker Carlson would. They do not tell the entire story. I have asked both of the liars to speak to me directly and I can tell them what actually took place. Both liars have access to public records. There is no record anywhere that I ever assaulted anyone. Secondly, contrary to what Michael Heather says I was elected as a judge for 25 years in North Dakota. That is a public record, yet both these men continue to lie. Either of these liars could come forward and produce any public record that I have every been convicted of any crime, there is no record and the liars know it. For these two men to continually make up and promote falsehoods irritates me. Both are unbelievable cowards that refuse to confront me in person. Like their hero Donald Trump these liars will not put them self in a position where they have to face the Truth. Trump will not go to court and testify, and he tries to keep anyone else from speaking the truth. I have posted my phone number and I am willing to speak to anyone. Now, just try to talk to Gary Morris, or Michael Heather. They will lie to their friends in private, but they will not talk to any independent person making an inquiry. 

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