Saturday, April 01, 2023

RD rages on

A lot of conversation went on about our neighborhood mental case. RD was out in full insanity yesterday. Old Kadizzle took some tools and went down to the land of crazy and took down the silly signs RD put on the street sign post. A neighbor with a normal brain commented that RD brought the neighborhood together, an interesting comment. Everyone is new here so RD did do a good thing. Everyone met at the country club to hear RD's proposal to ruin the neighborhood. It was a chance for all the neighbors to get to know each other. 

Greg stopped by early and was not happy about the mess RD made across the street from his home. RD strung up barriar tape and hung orange streamers from it across the front of his lot. Additionally he plastered NO TRESPASSING signs everywhere. Gred got RD to at least clean up that mess. 

One of RD's strange obsessions is the homeless bum in the woods. The bum is going to set the forest afire according to RD.  The bum is going to do it in the strangest way. The bum left a large mirror leaning against a tree. That is going to start the apocalypse from the sunshine focusing on the tree above. 

Over and over RD tells Kadizzle that our new home has appreciated $300,000. That is good news RD, now give me the price you keep telling me my home is worth. 

Mrs. RD is as crazy as RD himself. She was firing the F word pretty hard. Blocking access to the forest is giving them both a buzz. Mrs. RD is the stencil specialist. Yesterday she stenciled on the graffitti blocks " No National Forest Access".  Imaginary problems are the best, you can fight any imaginary foe you want. 

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