Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Summer blasting into our world

The weather has flipped like a pancake. Summer has come with a bang. Slept with the windows open last night. Jackie took the picture above while on the trail. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Spent about three hours with the Democrats yesterday. The Superintendent of schools spoke. She is a nice well spoken, well educated person. The schools are under attack from the Hoopleheads. The favorite of the Hooples is calling the teachers in the public schools "groomers". Pure insanity, but this is what teachers have to put up with. Next, you have the Republicans draining money from the public schools to support the crooked religious, and charter schools. Our children are being dumbed down at a remarkable rate. 

 More bad news, read the New York Times, the Hooples are electing the Proud Boys, and other radical white supremacist to various offices. Nazi Germany here we come. 

Slice, dice, mix it, stir it, it all comes out the same. At the base of every move the Republicans make are tax breaks for the rich. The rich absolutely care about nothing but money. All the gun crap, the abortion crap, and book banning is just about stirring up the Hooples to vote for Republicans. Then the Republicans make sure the rich are not taxed. The rest is a smoke screen and just Fox News Hooplehead bait. 

Playing with the Hoopleheads is just to easy for the Republicans. The Hooples are like little kids. Scaring the Hoopleheads is so easy. Our country is going down the tubes according to the statistics. Gun insanity is unbelievable. Did you every think in the first four months of the year we would have 140 mass shootings? Just business as usual. 

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