Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Welcome to my world

Quinn came into the world last night.  Cheech delivered Grandpa a nice little baby boy named Quinn.  This means everyone has to fight harder to make the world a better place.  Now we have Sylvie, Evie, and Quinn to carry on the gene pool.  Winky has been a nervous wreck and can't wait to fly to Philadelphia to see the offspring.

The arrival of a healthy baby is a big relief to the old codgers.  Quinn will be ten when Kadizzle is 80.  Kadizzle has waited a long time for a boy to play with, but can the old goat Kadizzle stay healthy enough or just plain alive?  It was not an easy delivery for the poor Cheech.  She had a bad case of the flu just a couple days ago and was really worn down.

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