Monday, February 17, 2020

Wage Slavery

What is wage slavery?  No problem, just go to Walmart or McDonalds to see it first hand.  In the old days you had to beat the slaves, capture them, and do a host of things wage slavery has eliminated.  In the good old plantation days slaves did not get paid.  Now, they get paid, but remember in the old days the slaves got room and board.  Walmart doesn't have that problem.  Walmart slaves often get food stamps from the government.   Ah Walmart slaves can escape, but then what.  If a Walmart slave escapes they will have even less.  Can you have a better plantation than Walmart. The Walmart slaves show up by themselves.  No need for ships or purchases.  If a Walmart slave escapes another one will just show up, you cannot beat that.   Modern slavery is fantastic compared to the old stuff.  Look at the plantation owners, now they are worth billions.  It was a quick transition from the good old slavery to share cropping, and now Walmart slavery.

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