Thursday, February 13, 2020

Rattlesnake where are you?

A morning ritual is going down to the executive suite.  We are fortunate because the Forest Service campground where we stay provides us with a very nice executive suite that has flush toilets, a sink, and is very nicely built to include a his and her office space.  We even get free toilet paper with Trump's picture on it.  Now to the main topic.  There are rattlesnakes around here.  What keeps them at bay in the winter is the cold.  As it starts to warm up the blasted venom worms will become active.  One thing rattlesnakes like to do is seek out warmth.  In the evening you might find one on the asphalt trying to warm up before bed.  The bathrooms here are built out of concrete and cinder block.  Unfortunately both elements hold heat well.  This means the rattlers like our bathrooms.  Bill was working in the pipe chase at the large shower house and stepped right over a rattlesnake without realizing it.  Fortunately the snake was cold and pretty inactive.  To the point.  Every morning when Kadizzle goes down to the executive suite he has to remember not to just open the door and walk in.  The correct procedure is to open the door peek in and check all the corners.  One would not want to sit on the throne and realize one was staring at a snake in the corner.  Another precaution at night is to check before you go out for the little vipers.

It looks like it will be a very nice day.  The stars were so bright last night.  Your assignment for today.  Call Republican National headquarters.  Tell them normally you are a big donor.  Explain to them you have had enough lying and cheating.  Ask them to take you off the donor list.  You might try asking them what Trump has accomplished.  More than likely they will say " He gets things done" .  Ask them exactly what Trump has got done.  There will be no answer.  Fox News just says " He gets things done".

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