Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Do something

Imagine a tsunami of stupidity washing over the shores of our country.  That is what is happening.  Trump has hit the motherload of ignorance.  If you can convince people a trial without witnesses is normal you are on the way to a complete dictatorship.  Trump is now proposing the destruction of social security and medicare.  The Hoopleheads just didn't notice.  Winky and Kadizzle are sitting here in the Earth Module watching PBS News Hour.  The commentator says the people in New Hampshire love Trump because he gets things done.  Ask a Hooplehead what he got done? They will stare at you with a blank stare.  This is the level we have reached.  Republicans can tell the simple minded " He gets things done".  No need to explain.  That is how you talk to idiots.  Somebody tell me what Trump got done.  Trump shoveled money to the rich.  Trump tripled the deficit. Trump set new records for being crooked and lawless.  Trump has done his best to destroy the environment, education, health care, and science.  What positive has the King accomplished?  Factual information, the truth, and reality have gone out the window.  Strike up the band on the Titanic. 

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