Saturday, February 15, 2020


Praying is not working.  If you go to a Hazen City Commission meeting the commissioners pray before the meeting and ask God for guidance.  God is doing a very poor job.  The commission cannot seem to enforce the city ordinances.  For seven years Kadizzle has asked the Hazen City Commission to do something about the junkyard up the street.  A nest of slummers moved in and has accumulated boats, cars, and pickup trucks which are strewn all over the yard.  Even with God's help the commissioners cannot muster the courage to enforce the law. 

Honest Omar has been sending Kadizzle his subscription to Freedom From Religion.  This is an organization that fights to keep religion out of government.  If God does not do a better job of guiding the Hazen City Commission Kadizzle is going to ask the Hazen City Commission to quit calling on God for help. Another approach might be to insist that Kadizzle gets to say the prayer. 

Here is the prayer:

Oh lord in the name of Donald Trump who you chose to be president I invoke thee to give the Hazen City Commission the strength and courage to enforce the ordinances in the City of Hazen.  Please forgive any commissioners that voted for Donald Trump.  Apparently some of our city commissioners have adopted your chosen presidents methods of lying, deceiving, and misleading.  In the name of God and King Donald I beseech thee to remove the Republican curse from our city commission. 


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