Thursday, February 27, 2020

Battleship New Jersey

Kadizzle just returned from the Battleship New Jersey in Philadelphia.  Here are some impressions.  First it is big.  The inside is a maze of passageways.  Most important sleeping on that ship would be impossible.  Tiny little bunks scattered all over the place, not much better than a submarine.  How the United States poured money into war, but will refuse to battle healthcare and poverty.  Complicated, that ship must have been extremely complicated to sail, maneuver, maintain, and live on.  The guy in charge must have been very intelligent.  Running that thing must have been much harder than what the CEO of Coca Cola does.  Yet, surely he got paid nowhere near as much.  Of course the CEO could not get torpedoed or blown out of the water.  The complexity of the ship does set one back.  Doing what they did with the technology of that day was a feat.  Life on one of those ships must have been miserable.  To be confined to that ship would drive this man crazy.  It took 79 people to operate on of the big guns that fired a shell that weighed as much as a VW.  The shell could be shot 70 miles.  Imagine firing a VW seventy miles.  The mileage would have been good.

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