Thursday, February 27, 2020


Two mornings in a row Kadizzle has driven with Cheech to take Evie to school.  Philadelphia is like every other American city, a complete mess.  Infrastructure has been ignored while we shovel money to the rich who live in the suburbs.  The peasants are trying to get around. It is like London two hundred years ago.  Public transportation is a shambles.  No wonder people are on drugs.  The wealthy don't have to put up with the mess they created.  There is no planning.  Just let things happen.  Who cares about the future, just survive.  Were number one, what a joke.  Number two and three must really be terrible. Kadizzle gets depressed every time he goes to a big city and sees the lack of progress. Republican vermin are to blame.  Once they quit paying their share the game went to hell.  Remember the old days when projects like the interstate existed.  Not now, now just let it fall apart.  The wealthy don't use public transportation so let it rust.  The wealthy don't live in the densely packed cities so let them fall apart.  We need a revolution to overthrow the stable genius and his gang.

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