Friday, February 21, 2020

I just did not notice

Russia has implanted a virus with the help of Donald Trump.  The virus attacks mostly people with weak IQ's.  The first symptoms of the virus are the desire to wear a red hat and watch fake news shows.  The infected cannot see a man surrounded by criminals as anything but a saint.  Victims of the infection will feel like they are being trickeled on by rich people, when in reality they can barely pay for their tattoos.  The virus is contagious when one ignorant person simply talks to another ignorant person.  There is no known cure for the virus.  The virus is not affected by facts, reality, science, or common sense.  The chance of recovering from a severe case of stupidity is small.  Most of the infected will become addicted to mindless thinking and vote for Trump.  Those infected are incapable of noticing they have no health care, their share of taxes is going up, and the rich keep taking more.   Even Trump cannot pardon their stupidity.  People have tried turning off Fox News, or KFYR radio to protect loved ones, but the simple mindedness still rages.  Quaranteen is the best hope. If an infected idiot can be kept from the local coffee shop there is some hope.

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