Wednesday, February 12, 2020

He Gets things Done

Often Kadizzle tells Sylvie how television can turn your brain to mush or oatmeal.  Fox News is magic in that regard.  The new Republican rationalization for the Trump insanity is " He gets things done".  Yesterday Kadizzle was making some of his calls to the Republican National Committee to complain about their cheating.  Kadizzle asked the simple minded young man who answered the phone why he like Trump.  Kadizzle got the Fox News anser " He gets things done".  Kadizzle asked what did he get done. The dolt was baffled.  He had no answer.  Exactly what has Trump got done? Well he has destroyed the department of education,  he is trying to wreck healthcare and social security, he has torn the constitution to shreds, and on it goes.  I defy anyone to name one positive thing Trump has done. 

If getting things done is the only criteria, good or bad, then Hitler got things done, most mafia bosses got things done, Al Capone got things done.  The depth of stupidity the Republicans have cursed our society is incomprehensible.  The atomic bomb gets things done.  The new virus will get things done.  Fox News is the opium of idiocy.

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