Sunday, February 09, 2020

Excitement for idiots

Winky and Kadizzle just came back from some pizza at a local spot.  The waitresses and the owner were all excited that they might get to see Trump.  Perhaps he is coming to Phoenix.   Imagine busted flat waitresses in a hopeless financial mess supporting Trump.  Trump and his buddy Mitch are trying to cut the very social security that is the very lifeline of these woman who stand outside to smoke. Seems incredible that the slaves on the plantation love the plantation owner and the slave driver.  Well after all the plantation owner gave them jobs and tells them that the welfare cheats are the problem.  This country is upside down.  Yesterday Kadizzle drove through a large are of slum settlement near Tonto Basin he had no idea existed.  The number of people living on the edge in slum shacks is amazing.  These people are hanging on by a thread.  That thread is social security.  These idiots are supporting people that are trying to eradicate them.  The level of stupidity in this country is rising faster than the oceans and the CO2 level.  Stupidity will kill us long before anything else.  Trump is a master of firing up idiots.  Trump is like the clever preacher that bilkes the fools and old ladies.  Kadizzle recently went into two casinos.   Kadizzle goes into the casinos to pick up his free ten or twenty dollars.  All casinos will give you ten or twenty bucks to play their machines.  You get your money and every time you win you cash out. Usually you will be able to walk out with some amount right around what they gave you. This is just an explanation of why Kadizzle was in a casino.  There is no better way to tax stupidity than gambling.  Now to the point.  When Kadizzle went in both casinos there were hundreds of people playing bingo.  Imagine all those people slowly giving their money away.   Kadizzle will bet that 90 percent of the fools were Trump supporters.  These people live on illusions.  Social security enables these dolts to play bingo and Trump is trying to take away their bingo money.  These people do not understand simple math, statistics or reality, yet they vote. 

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