Friday, November 06, 2015

What to take?

The big migration will start next week according to the Supreme Commander.  The Commander has been jabbing Kadizzle to start packing.  What if? What if you need a hydraulic jack to get the camper unstuck? Should I take one? The damn things are heavy.  Should I take one more deep cycle battery?  Clothing, remember last year we took way too much.  On it goes.  So now the decisions begin.  One of the damndest things are electronics. It takes so many cords batteries and gizmos.  Once the Earth Module pulls out you quickly figure out what you did not take.  Then you think " Gee, I wish I had......."

Here we go. Wander around the house and see what you will need in the middle of the desert.  There is a list we go by with about one hundred or more items to remind us.  Maps, GPS, chargers of all sorts, and on it goes.

The next big trick is timing. Two things are critical in a passage, wind, and snow.  You do not want to pull a trailer in snow unless you like  having a fifth wheel up your rectum.  Of course there is always the stretch of road by Wheatland, Wyoming where you get blown of the road if you go on the wrong day.  This all means you need to look for a weather window.  Once the great migration starts it will be first to Wheatland. Next to Denver to see the little grand daughter.  Perhaps a stop in New Mexico, then on to Cottonwood, Arizona to see my sister for a few days. Finally back to the old spot by Lake Roosevelt.  In fifteen years of these travels we have only ended up upside down hanging by the seat belt once.  That is the goal to stay upright.  Life is pretty simple when you think about it. The goal is to stay upright.  If you are horizontally, just make sure you don't have a box around you and six feet of dirt over you.  Kadizzle spent a lot of time underground mining coal.  He always thought of death as a promotion.  You get to go from 800 feet down to only six feet down,

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