Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Totally Befuddled

Let's build a pyramid. Let's build a great big church. Let's set some very heavy stones up on end.  The history of stupidity is amazing.  Start with they pyramids. What if the Egyptians had built houses, roads, irrigation,  or  you name it. No, they did not do that, instead when they had a surplus of food they piled up rocks. Meanwhile the average person lived a dreadful life. When the great cathedrals of France were built, it was the same nonsense all over.  Life for everyone could have been improved immensely if resources had been used with just a small amount of intelligence.

Nothing has changed. Today we build huge churches while people withing blocks live in poverty. We piss away gazillions on useless missiles, planes, and magic weapons.  Just like in the old days, the king lives well and the peasants suffer. We have not learned a thing.  Automobiles have to be one of the stupidest things humans have every done.  There is nothing wrong with a simple transportation device that moves people about, but look at the absolutely insane amount of human productivity that has gone into car insanity. There are 356 million people in the country and 254 million cars.  A few well built cars meant to last might be harmless, but building an endless amount of cars and the infrastructure to go with them is absolutely insane.  What if all that human labor, intelligence, and resources had gone into improving the world as a whole? With most of the world living on ten dollars a day simply providing the rest of humanity with fresh clean water, decent health care, and an education could have relieves so much suffering, but what did we do?  We built thousands of flavors of cars, we changed them every year.  We built a 6,000 pound device to move a 200 pound person. The device will hold six, but almost always we just put one per car.  We burn up unbelievable amounts of fuel running these damn things, we pave half of the city for them.  We could have high speed trains, electric bikes, and all sorts of more effective transportation, but we have no common sense. Two thousand years later we are still piling up rocks. History has taught us nothing.  For the amount of money that goes into one car a thousand lives could be saved, but we don't use the resources we have to save people, instead we go to church and pray God will save them.

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