Saturday, November 28, 2015


This morning Kadizzle had somewhat of an intellectual discussion with his little sister. Kadizzle pondered on the question, why do people get tattoos.  Kadizzle explained to his little sister that he never had a desire to run a bolt through his nose or put a pin in his penis, and could not understand what motivated people to do such things.  Little sister had a good explanation.  Patty said it was a way to identify with a tribe. You become part of a group by adopting their way of life.  Kadizzle found the simple minded young men driving around in noisy jacked up pickup trucks annoying.  When he thought of them in terms of a tribe it made more sense.  They roar about town with their symbolism.  The motorcycle guys are the same way. They are a special tribe.  At Home Depot Kadizzle was amazed to see a full sized refrigerator decked out in camouflage. Now what kind of idiot would buy such a sad symbol. Of course it is a brave hunter. It shows you are a member of the hunting tribe.  So you put on your sports stuff to show what football tribe you belong to, you get a tattoo to show your tribe and so on.  Maybe you could wear a bar code.  People could come up to you and scan the bar code.  It would say you believe in the New York Yankees, and hunting. People would not have to guess what your costume means. Your costume is supposed to immediately tell people your are rich, poor, stupid, or you don't give a shit.  Of course there are those who just want to be unnoticed.  They want to blend in.  God bless them.  The dolts that drive down the road and make a noise that says " Hear me roar, here I am, I don't give a shit who I insult with my noise machine" are the ones that should be shot at random.  A whole different spin on the game is the decal game. You put on your car or truck some decal that lets people know your tribe.  You can put a sticker on the car that says your kid is an honor roll student. This tells everyone that you are surprised your kid had a brain. You can put a little sticker on your car that shows you have two kids and a dog.  This shows you figured out how to reproduce and feed a dog. People want to know about your tribe.  Some tribes are friendly, some pretend like they want to kill you.  On Halloween you can wear whatever you want and pretend to be in any tribe.  How wonderful? The nice thing is the Muslims wear a tribal outfit , except when they want to kill our tribe.  Take some time and look at the tribes around you.  We are a tribal society.  Some tribes wear crosses, some wear funny hats, and some carry guns.  Tribalism is not a thing of the past. What tribe do you belong to? Are they friendly?

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