Sunday, November 22, 2015

Just passing through

Rocky and Tony our sailing friends stopped by yesterday.  They pulled into our secluded spot and drank some heart medicine with us.  The sewer system on their Fifth Wheel was plugged and they had some frustrating problems making it to AZ so heart medicine was badly needed. Apparently in addition to the plugged sewage they had to replace all four truck tires, and some shock absorbers.  The Canadian Club heart medicine did the trick and everybody slept well.  The crew awoke to a wonderful day and we had breakfast at the picnic table.  Kadizzle scrounged up a sewer snake and Rocky took off for the dump.  The sewer gods smiled on Rocky.  Without even using the sewer snake the blockage opened during the night. Perhaps they dumped Xlax in the tank.  Rocky and Tony took off to see some other sailing friends in Mesa.

The Kadizzlites met up with some other old friends over in the big camp ground in the afternoon.  We caught up on recent adventures and will get together this evening for some wine.

Yesterday we took our first hike. As usual The Commander was so full of energy she had to go farther then old Kadizzle felt like going.  Kadizzle let her hike to a gap in the mountain while he sat and enjoyed the view.  When Kadizzle finally got so bored he had to move he scratched around and found an Indian site.  It was the classic site.  We had walked within fifty yards of it once before, but did not notice it.  The site yielded one nice pot shard and a lot of small ones.  It is always amazing to realize how many of these sites are around.  This site looked like it had a plaza and about three or four rooms.  Over the side of the mountain the larger trees indicated there probably was a source of water.  Usually there is water somewhere or these people do not build.

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