Saturday, November 07, 2015

The Sun is shinning

The sun is shining, and if I have my facts right it will for another 5 billion years.  The other day Kadizzle came across the fact that the sun is one million times the size of the Earth.  Imagine a fire that is burning and is one million times the size of the Earth.  Put yourself in perspective.  You and I in the scheme of the universe are so insignificant.  Once in awhile it is good to put things into perspective.  We are less significant than a grain of sand on the beach.  Like everyone else Kadizzle firmly believes he is the center of the universe, and it all is focused on him. Sadly reality contradicts his wildest dreams. Like everyone else he will be gone and forgotten in a puff.

Yesterday on the radio someone gave the old saw about putting yourself in place. The trick is to get a five gallon bucket of water. Place you hand in the water and pull it out. Now look at the water and ask yourself how much impact you had on the water. There is no clue your hand was in there.  That is how life is and how you really stack up in reality. Perspective is one thing few people master. What matters, and what does not. Most things really don't matter, however, some nigifiddles get obsessed with things that just do not matter.

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