Thursday, November 05, 2015

Everyone needs a rest

For a week steady the Kadizzles have been sponsoring a pheasant hunt for their friends from North Carolina. The Pheasants and the Kadizzles need a rest.  In my opinion the pheasants won.  They showed they have better sense than we do. They did not come to our house to pester us every day. They were just trying to make a living.  We were the trespassers on the poor fellows. We were the violent intruders. God bless you pheasants that volunteered to sit out the winter in the freezer, and you guys who have to scratch for food this winter are good sports.

Kadizzle had a relaxation day yesterday. The Commander went to Bismarck to smoke the credit card when she took the hunters to the airport.  To entertain himself old Kadizzle watched a lot of youtube.  It was not long before Kadizzle was deep into Lewis Black and Jim Carlyn.  Rarely is anything so funny that Kadizzle burst into laughter. Both men are very intelligent, and do a great job of making fun of human idiocy.  Sure they use a lot of profanity, but they know how to do it. There are bits of wisdom in both their acts.  One of the best parts of the day was Lewis Black talking in front of the Washington Press Corp.  Watch it, it is very enlightening.  One thing Lewis Black said that really hit the nail on the head was "Socialism is enforced Christianity".  Listen to what he says in context and you will be a more intelligent person.  One thing that royally pisses Kadizzle off is the misunderstanding of socialism in the United States. The right wing has managed to make it an evil institution.  The reality is that the countries that embrace it have happy, healthier, more intelligent people, but the right wing dingers in this country love to pretend like socialism is communism, which it is not. Lewis Black pointed out that in his lifetime the United States has gone from number one in education to number 17, and as he says we can make 25 if we try.  The level of ignorance in our country is astounding.  Adults watch Fox News. In North Dakota one of the most widely broadcast radio stations KFYR spends hours every day spreading lies, hate, misinformation, and stupidity. The dingers eat it up, absolutely amazing.  

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