Thursday, November 26, 2015

All things are possible for those who believe.

Belief is all that matters.  Gravity only works because you believe in it.  If you did not believe in gravity you would gradually float off your chair and up to the ceiling.  This is the new American science.  If a lot of people believe something it is true.  The United States is the greatest country in the world with the happiest people in the world because we believe it.  Of course the facts don't bear this out, but remember in our country belief is more important than facts.  Once you suspend reality all things are possible.  The pyramids can become grain bins, and Donald Trump can become president.  If you want a war with Iraq, you don't need to find weapons of mass destruction, you just need to believe they are there.

The nice thing about belief is it works both ways.  You can chose not to believe something that is true. Kadizzle does not believe he is fat, works great, pass the potatoes .  The belief system sometimes blows up.  Try believing a traffic light is green when it is red.  You might get smashed by a truckload of reality.  One of the best things about belief is you can solve problems so simply.  When anything happens you don't like just say " It is the will of God".   Often The Commander asks Kadizzle a question like " What should we do tomorrow?".   Simple solution, Kadizzle answers " What ever God wills".   Life is so much easier once you believe in God.  God controls everything, so if you get a flat tire it was God's will.  If you burn the steak, it was Gods will.

Belief can be a money maker.  Preachers always measure belief by how much money you give them.  God did not do what you want. What is the problem?  That is simple, you really did not have faith.  You just gave the preacher ten dollars, if you really believed you would have given the preacher one hundred dollars.  Ok, preacher, here is a hundred bucks, now I want to win the lottery.  You did not win the lottery, it was God's will. If you won you would have bought some cigarettes and some good whiskey, so God is just protecting you.

Belief saves so much wear and tear on the brain.  You can shut down the entire thinking part of the brain.  Once you believe in Rush Limbaugh you don't have to read, you don't have to think, you just believe the nonsense he says.  Rush knows the answer to all problems so you don't have to find them.

Now this warning must be issued.  Use belief cautiously.  It can lead to war, it can cause you to go broke,  and of course it can get you and your friends killed. However, don't miss out on the fun.  Like Kadizzle you can believe you are always right, or perhaps you want to believe you are going to heaven, or your God is the real god, or you are going to win the lottery.

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