Monday, November 16, 2015

Stuck at the Casino

The bust out has come to a halt.  After a long day we pulled into Cochiti Lake.  Too bad, the gates were locked.  With massive disappointment we read the sign that said the camp ground was closed for repair.  Now we needed an alternative.  Here we sit at an Indian Casino a short way down the road.  Rain, wind, and snow have us pinned down.  We slept well, but all night about 15 truckers let their engines run nearby to keep warm.  Kadizzle never realized those trucks idle so fast.  A lot of diesel went up in smoke.

The Commander is trying to keep Kadizzle out of the Casino.  It is not gambling she fears, but the stench of cigarette smoke.  Gambling is such total insanity.  People gradually go broke, and believe they can win in an impossible situation.  Last night the parking lot was fool with simple minded dingers begging to give their money away.  If the weather gods so not give us a break we may be here for two days.  Nothing is more fun than sitting in the RV park at a casino.  Most casinos let you park free because they know they can fleece you.  Here they make you pay to get fleeced.

Most of the Native Americans we have interacted with in this area have a very bad attitude toward the white man.  Apparently they are still not happy about our invasion. They must really laugh when they hear us bitching about the Mexican border.

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