Saturday, November 14, 2015

Full Circle

Sitting around at the daughter's house ultimately inspires a person to get up and move.  The Commander, and Kadizzle decided to pursue the area by bike.  Erin lives in one of the most zippity do da areas of Denver.  Her house sits about a block away from the old control tower for the old Stapleton Airport.  The entire airport is gone, but the tower is still there.  It is a great landmark.  Imagine what you could do if you laid out neighborhoods with a blank slate on thousands of empty acres near downtown Denver.  That is the new zippity do da area.

Now what was old will become new again when the mass transit system goes into operation in April.  Erin, Fran, and Sylvie live within two blocks of the latest, uptodatest transit system.  Light rail systems were all over the country almost one hundred years ago, but knuckleheads tore them all out so we could have traffic jams and air pollution.  So on the bicycle trip Kadizzle explored the new unopened transit station.  In the course of the exploration Kadizzle had a chance to interview some of the people working on the system. For about an hour Kadizzle talked with a crossing guard.  During the test phase of the system they have actual human beings stationed where the rail line crossed the road.  It is total nonsense and what a waste of money. The new system parallels the BNSF railroad, so all the safety features are already in place, but when it comes to wasting money someone always has a goofy idea.  Kadizzle wanted to see the new rail cars so he waited patiently speaking with the guard until one came by.  Finally when one appeared in the distant the crossing arms came down,  bells and lights flashed and a sign lit up that said train approaching.  To top it all off the train blew the train horn which Kadizzle can hear in Erin's basement two blocks away.  What kind of human could miss all this?

When the zippity do da light rail is finally put in service,  Erin and Fran will be able to zip to the airport, and they will get off right in the middle of the Denever Airport.  Going downtown will be a simple walk and a quick ride.  Hopefully the system will take the burden away from the highways, and get people to walk a little and quit being so wasteful..

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