Saturday, June 01, 2024

We returned from Planet A to Planet B

Two completely different worlds in every regard. Winky and Kadizzle stepped off the plane in Phoenix about two hours ago. We came from the forested wet jungle in New York about 35 miles North west of New York City. Making the transition from eastern forest to western desert was stunning. Next  you have the social transition from a land with no poverty, no dirt, no Trump signs, and people dying from acute prosperity, to a land of redneck Trumpers living behind a chain-link fence in a trailer. 

The forested jungle was cool and lush. On the way back to Payson there was a thousand acre forest fire, or more like desert fire. We spent  week in the forest. Two different worlds. Kadizzle grew up in he Eastern forest, but it has been many years since he was there in the lush spring. The sleeping was absolutely wonderful. Moist air, and sea lever meant you did not even need to breath the oxygen rich air seemed to go in and out of your lungs by itself. 

Now for a bit of very good news. The Donut General reported an amazing turn out today at the Donut meeting. Best of all young people showed up. The place was packed, why? Perhaps the orange rat being found guilty woke people up. If next week turns out this good we must have the Hoopleheads on the run. 

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