Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Off to North Dakota.

Two good friends died within a day or two in North Dakota. Winky and Kadizzle will go to North Dakota to honor them. Chuck and Dave were dear friends. Many warm days were spent on the porch of Dave's wonderful home in the country. Our kids grew up together. Dave and Kathy were our first neighbors ever in North Dakota. Many holiday dinners were shared as were many task. The memories go on forever. 

Chuck was about as unique as one could get. Our adventures together were many.  Kadizzle flew in a plane, and a hot air balloon with Chuck. Chuck and Kadizzle sailed and won races together. Chuck was a guy who always said yes when you said adventure. We rode motorcycles to the west coast and sailed to the Canadian border.  

Both will be missed and leave a big hole in our lives. 

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