Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A Gathering of Hoopleheads.

What if could see every delusional Hooplehead in one place? Last evening that happened like flies to jelly the worst of the worst wandered into the high school auditorium. Candidates for the town council were going to present their version of reality. There was Steve Otto the Grouch, and The Payson Guy, along with the other tear it down crowd. The meeting was sparsely attended. Seems like most of the town is content with the current town council which is doing a great job. The Hooples of course explained how they would fix everything without a way to pay for anything. It was the usual bitching by the aristocracy of the Hooples. It is one thing to bitch, and another thing to actually move the town forward. 

Kadizzle got to speak with Shirley. Shirley is a nice older woman caught deep in the fog of the Tea Party. It was fun explaining to Shirley how at the Donuts with Democrats meeting everyone is welcome and gets to hold he microphone and speak. On the other hand the Tea Party has thugs at the door to make sure no discontent comes in the door. At the Tea Party you will be threatened with police action if you go against the party line. Shirley said she did not agree, but that was what the tea party crew wanted. Shirley said people at the Tea Party threatened not to attend if General Donut was allowed to speak. Kasdizzle invited Shirley to the Donuts meeting. Kadizzle said if anyone objected and threatened not to come then let them stay home. The contrast between a real free speech meeting and the Tea Party Nazis is stunning and putting right in front of Shirley was a pleasure. 

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