Tuesday, June 25, 2024

An obsessed simple minded Hooplehead.

 Get over it. Some simple minded hooplehead claims Kadizzle wanted to pour gasoline on Republicans and set fire to them. Don't ever recall writing or saying such a thing, but it is not impossible. Any sane person would realize it was an exaggeration. However the Hooplehead acts like it was a life goal. Kadizzle has made some outrageous statements thinking the people reading or hearing them were smart enough to realize it was just a joke, or an exageration. Dear Hoople do you ever think Kadizzle would pour gas on someone and light it. That is ridiculous. Now you might ask, " Does Kadizzle wish Donald Trump would get cancer of the bung hole?".  Yes, wishing for something and doing it or making it happen are two different things. A normal person can realize the difference. Hooples are not to sophisticated and take things literally that are not written or spoken in that manner. Hooples are like little children, they cannot desern between fantasy and reality. That is why they like Trump. 

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