Friday, June 28, 2024

Our Country is gone

At 75 Kadizzle has lived long enough to see a lot of countries implode. The United States is next. A national game of Dare to be Stupid is going to happen. Hoopleheads thrive on stupidity, and Trump is selling it by the truckload. The only hope was Democrats could bust through the cult fog. Kadizzle is convinced it is not going to happen. Ignorance is just to plentiful and easy. If only Biden would get out of the way, but it is too late, instead we are going to have a lunatic. Biden is old, Trump is mentally ill, immoral, and a living disaster. The Hoopleheads can understand a good clown show, and Trump is a master clown. What clowns do and say makes no difference, the Hooples want a show. Juggling accomplishes nothing, but it does entertain. Trump will juggle the tax code to enrich the rich. 

Here is the prediction. Trump will win the election, the economy will be jazzed for about six months, then the crash. The worst crash since the depression. Chaos, lots of chaos.  The country will experience a complete meltdown. 

Where are we? It happens in every town. Some parent thinks they can give a bunch of teen agers a keg of beer and it will turn out all right with the proper supervision. Trump is the teenager that will derail the Hoopleheads. Why don't we burn up the picnic table, it will keep us warm? That will be Trump's approach to the tax code. Why not juice the economy by giving the rich more? Trump will gulf while the picnic table burns. The Hooples will drink until drunk, dance around the fire, and wake up in the morning to find out they are broke with no hope. What then?

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