Sunday, June 02, 2024

Four of a kind

Each does exactly the same thing. There are three dishonest Republicans in Payson, Arizona.  Gary Morris, Michael Heather, and Steve Otto all have taken a page from the Trump playbook. Add to that one guy named Gabe in North Dakota. Each of these rats does exactly the same thing. In my case they searched the internet to find dirt on Kadizzle. Gary Morris even searched my old facebook post. Once they find something they can lie about they are off to the game of character assassination. Gary Morris found an old sarcastic post on facebook with Kadizzle wearing a Trump hat. Morris spun a lie from that post that Kadizzle had a handgun. In a sarcastic statement Kadizzle said he was cleaning his handgun. It is a gun that never existed. It was poetic license. Gary Morris blew that up into a strange story that Kadizzle was a threat to an old lady. 

Now if you are a dirt digger like each of these guys is, you come across my run in with Senator Cramer from North Dakota. Gary Morris took this one and ran with it. Gary Morris parlayed that story into an amazing lie. It would take a page to go through it. 

Now this guy Gabe in ND built on the lie Gary Morris set up. Steve Otto played the same game. All four of these guys never mention the part about the Cramer story that Kadizzle was trying to help a woman with a disabled child. 

Now for the dinger. When you confront each of these guys they run. Gary Morris will not speak about his lying, same with Michael Heather, and Steve Otto.  Gabe in North Dakota is exactly the same. No way in hell are you going to tell these guys the truth of what actually happened. Kadizzle has offered each one of them a debate in front of the Tea Party to discuss the lying. Nope, ain't going to happen. Most amazing is they all play the same game. It is like the Trump gang. Trump is an angel, he is just being victimized by Democrats. 

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