Saturday, June 08, 2024

Pig Farmers in North Dakota

Awhile back browsing facebook an article by Rob Port appeared. Some pig farmer in North Dakota commented on the article and took offense that Rob Port was attacking the Trump cult. So it was a back and forth with the pig farmers in North Dakota. The pig farmers did what all Republicans do when they get cornered with the truth. Gabe searched the internet to dig up dirt on Kadizzle. Strangely that is exactly what Gary Morris the local Republican hack did. What Gabe and Gary Morris did was blow my encounter with Senator Kevin Cramer into a series of exaggerations and lies. Like Fox News they tell part of a story and sprinkle in all the lies they need to make it suit their needs. One amazing thing about all these people in Arizona, and North Dakota is they will not encounter Kadizzle one on one with their lying. They know they are lying, but they cannot come to grips with the fact they have been sucked into the Trump cult. Once in the cult you cannot get out. Doug Burgum the Governor of North Dakota wants to be Trump's vice president, Burgum has disgraced himself by joining up with the pig farmers and the cult. 

The truth no longer matters. Like George said on Seinfeld, " If you believe it, it is true".  When you corner the pig farmers with logic they resort to obscenities. Annie is one of the pig farmers. Annie cannot deal with logic, so she just cusses. 

Trying to figure out how cult minds work is a puzzle. These people have gone into a vortex of their own special world that believes any lie Trump shoots out. Dealing with them is an experience just to see how they can wiggle to stay away from facts. 

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