Saturday, June 22, 2024

Be There

At 10:00 A.M. the Donut Army will meet on Bonita Street at Democratic headquarters. Our country is on the verge of disaster. Donald Trump is as close to being a dictator as you can get. Stupidity has infected the masses of idiots in the Republican Party. Our country is in peril. That is the bad news.  

The good news is our group is growing. Maybe reality is infecting people. There is nothing good about Trump. He is an evil psychopath bent on destroying out democracy. Trump's supporters have the mind of teenagers. The Trump gang lives on chaos, and lies. Greed drives the Republicans wild. Billionairs support Trump to get every inch of tax cuts they can. 

Kadizzle lived in North Dakota for forty years. Dough Burgum is a sycophant trying to be vice president for Trump. What a shameful disgrace for North Dakota.  

If you don't get off your ass and fight the Hoopleheads you will get to see our country become Nazi Germany. Get with people where you live.  Do something. Talk to people. Pull them out of the fog. 

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