Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Storm

 It spit a little rain with very high winds. We can always use rain here. It has been a day of paper work. Insurance, and setting up a trust took up most of the day. In about an hour the gambling will start. The casino will have the one armed vacuum cleaners sucking the money out of he elderlies pockets. 

For some reason Kadizzle has been optimistic lately about putting the Trump gang to rest. North Dakota was kind of enlightening. The Trump rallies fizzled, that is a goo sign. How long can you be stupid? In Payson we have a group of cavemen that want to take the town backwards. A bunch of cheap asses that never saved for retirement want to punish everyone that did. 

The neighborhood is coming together. Two more houses to complete on the main street. Now we have about 12 houses done. Life is good up here on the hill. Old Kadizzle harvested 21 golf balls yesterday and the bin is almost full. 

On our trip to North Dakota Kadizzle invited everyone and their grandmother to Payson. Maybe someone will take up the offer. 

One thing that surprised Kadizzle on the northward jaunt was the number of people that read this nonsense. Two groups read this insanity. First are people we somehow have a connection with, and then there is the second group that is in the hundreds. That group must be people that somehow run across this blog. 954 people in Hong Kong are reading this blog, and 45 people in Israel. If you are one of those people please comment. We have 13 in China, and 13 in France. Russia has dropped down to one and the U.S. is up to 514. Surely most of these people accidently came across this nonsense. However, if you are from another country comment on how and why you came across Kadizzle. 

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