Sunday, June 23, 2024

Absolutely Wonderful

 Imagine being in a room of thirty people, all intelligent, and not a single Hooplehead in he midst. That was the Donut meeting yesterday. Are we doomed with Trump? Hope, that is what the meeting brings. People with vision who can see the evil of the cult. Most wonderful were the new faces, even better the sensible Republicans. Just knowing there are people out of the fog, watching real news, and reading real information. Just knowing there are normal people feels so good. This will be an active week. Things are heating up and the good versus evil battle is starting. Trump represents all that is wrong with humans, greed, hate, lying, and delusion. Will the good coalesce and win, or will the good sit back and do nothing? Hope, hope, hope, that is all we have. Around the world it is the same story. In too many countries dictators are playing to the ignorant, the racist, and he nationalist. It could end badly. With nuclear weapons in the hands of someone like Trump imagine the danger. We have to win. 

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