Thursday, May 23, 2024

Where are the Hoopleheads?

Yesterday the town council met in Payson. Not one Hoolehead showed up to harass the town council with silly accusations. What happened? Normal people have shown up consistently at the town council meetings, before the Hooples never had any pushback from their nonsense. After a prayer is fired off at the meeting and the flag is saluted anyone can speak for 3 minutes. At almost every meeting the Hooples would come in and bitch about something that had no basis in fact. Simple dingers like Honest Abe Otto the Grouch (who is running for mayor) would claim the city was hiding 51 million, or Charlie Bell would have some insane idea.  There was another old woman that would complain about the mosquitos or the sun coming up too early. 

There is a lesson in this, when good people fail to act evil prevails. Good people have voices, using them is important. The Luddites want to take Payson backwards. Of course the Luddites don't like taxes. Honest Abe Otto and his gang don't comprehend that if you want the potholes fixed someone has to pay for it. 

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