Friday, May 10, 2024

Called Gabe, but no way can you talk to Gabe

Did you ever try to talk to a religious nut? Kadizzle learned a lesson. Kadizzle called Gabe. At first Gabe would not even admit he was Gabe, but it was like a Fox News deal. Kadizzle does not get to talk. Gabe would not stop talking and listen. There was no way Kadizzle would get to explain anything to Gabe. Gave would make a wonderful Fox News host. Gabe will ask a question, but sure as hell he doesn't want an answer. As soon as you attempt to answer a question Gabe talks over you. You have seen this on TV all the time. When someone is cornered they just talk so you can't. No way in hell can you have a conversation with Gabe. Gabe has been promoting the idea that Kadizzle made a threatening call to the office of Senator Cramer. The Capitol police investigated this and found it was a call by someone else trying to cause a problem for Kadizzle. Had Kadizzle made the call they would have arrested Kadizzle. Gabe has no explanation for the fact there was no action taken. Now this is Gabe. Gabe says he will stop lying if Kadizzle gets the Capitol Police to give Gave evidence there was no offense. Gabe lies, and you have to do the leg work. A great scheme. Obama went through that game with Trump. Trump lied and it was up to Obama to prove Trump lied. 

Gabe has developed a unique form of lying. Gabe tells a half truth or an outright lie, then he expects you to document that he lied. Obviously a person would end up doing a lot of work to document Gabe's lies.  A simple solution would be just to tell Gabe the truth and explain how it is the truth, and point Gabe to the truth. Nope that ain't going to happen. Gabe has a strict policy if you call Gabe, you don't get to talk. 

Gabe knows he cannot defend what he has done.  Kadizzle thought Gave was a normal person you could have a conversation with. Nope, no way do you tell Gabe what ruins his story. 

If anyone wants the full story I will give it to them verbally. It is long and complicated and there is not time to waste writing it out. Kadizzle has dealt with Hoopleheads, but Gabe takes the cake. Kadizzle thought he was dealing with a human you could just explain something to. Nope, not Gabe. If you tried to call Gabe and tell him his house was on fire, good luck. After begging Gabe to stop and listen it became obvious that would never happen. 

You would have more luck talking trying to talk to a brick than trying to talk to Gabe. Gabe says he is too busy to let Kadizzle talk, but Gabe has infinite time to spread lies on facebook. Kadizzle has never had a phone conversation like the one with Gabe. Begging him to listen was hopeless. His mind will not be penetrated by the truth. Try calling him and telling him it is raining, of course you have to document it. You cannot just tell him you see water coming from the sky. Nope, you need a report from the national weather service and it has to be notarized. 

If it is on the internet, it is true. That is Gabe's world. Someone lies, Gabe post the lie, and now it is gold. When Gabe post falsehoods he finds on the internet, Gabe does not call that lying. He just says he reposted something he found on facebook. That makes it true. It is a great system Gabe has. 

Asking Gabe the question " Why wasn't I arrested if I threatened Senator Cramer", Gabe stumbled, stammered, and then said I had to prove I didn't make a call to Cramer.  How would one go about that? The Capitol Police investigated the matter, and found I did not, but that is not good enough for Gabe. On his lies go. 

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