Friday, May 03, 2024

Hoopleheads go down in flames.

 A local dinger, and key member of the CAVEmen, Honest Abe Otto is running for mayor. Honest Abe Otto claims the town of Payson has a secret 51 million dollars hidden somewhere. Honest Abe is part of a group called Transparent Payson. What a name for a bunch of liars. Anyway the group brought a bogus lawsuit against the town of Payson. Transparent Payson had a terrible lawyer, and yesterday the hammer came down. Transparent Payson lost big time and will have to pay the legal fees of the town. 

Hopefully this will wake up the local Hooples to Honest Abe Otto's schemes. There has been a lot of good news for the normal people in Payson lately. KMOG radio which is the local right wing version of Fox News is getting some serious blowback from the people they have lied about. A person with deep pockets may go after KMOG for the lying they promote. 

KMOG was nuttier than ever yesterday with strange conspiracy theories. One new favorite of the nutty gang is a secret group of people is running the country.  A delusional Hoople called in to the radio program and told a strange story. According to the Hoople there were suspicious Mexicans at the local Denny's restaurant. They were looking at their cell phones Biden bought them. One Mexican was watching over the group. This all led to speculation by the host on KMOG about the "sleeper groups" all over America ready for the attack on our homes.  Of course the sleeper groups are going to rape and pillage. Tune in today no doubt there will be new urban legends and maybe we can find out more about who is really running the country. 

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