Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother's Day

Today is the day of the women who made the men who made the mess that women have to try to clean up. The mother of Kadizzle had nine children. Kadizzle was number seven. Six girls and three boys set free to roam the world. Winky is the mother of two mothers, two more girls and a little boy. Sadly my mother died at 60 from a heart attack. She never got to see the wonders that bloomed. The nine children did amazing things, and accomplished a lot. The number of degrees, and prosperity would have amazed Dotty. Dotty was my mom's nickname.

The mother at out house has two wonderful daughters. Both our girls are amazing and amazing mothers themselves. Erin has on child the Giant. If you read this blog you know about the amazing Giant. Then Megan is in the midst of raising two little ones, Evie, and Quinn. This morning we got to see them on facetime. 

Children and grandchildren are the cream and sugar of life. In a week or so we fly out to see Megan's gang. 

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