Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Its no use in trying to deal with the dying

 Losing two old friends has shaken our foundation. When someone disappears it is always an awakening about reality.  There is no reality. Many invent a reality with religion, but it is an invention. Here we are on a huge rock circling the sun, that seems to be the reality. We don't know where we came from or where we are going. You can make up any story you want, but in the end. you know you made up the story. What we hear and see is not ever there. The brain interprets everything. Although two people think they are seeing the same thing, they don't. Life is flavored by perception. Is the end the end or a beginning? No one knows, and it seems humans never will. Watching or learning about others crossing the divide is one thing, but our turn is coming. Some go in a puff, others linger and suffer. God bless the people who can make up a story and believe it. What about God? If there is a God he or she is beyond comprehension, so you may as well throw that one out the window. s

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