Sunday, May 19, 2024

A Good Friend cashed out

Last night we got the news Stroupini had a heart attack and left us. He was a very good friend, had a great sense of humor, fun to be with, generous, and interesting. Maybe as important as anything he was a sailing friend, loved music, and had a good caring nature. He volunteered for Hospice, took care of Shiny, and his kindness spread everywhere. Another good friend is on the verge of moving on.  

This is the stage of life where you watch people make the transition. The song goes " Who will be next?".  One by one we disappear. We are but a billionth of a micro second in the history of Earth. What will each of us have for a legacy? Stroupini had an interesting life. Kadizzle took a motorcycle trip to the west coast with him. He was one of those guys up for adventure, and fun to travel with. He saw life through a unique window. 

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