Monday, May 20, 2024

Almost on the same day.

Two good friends died on just about the same day. This is the stage of life where we watch those around us go to the great beyond. Back in Hazen where we lived before moving to Payson we had a great group of men that got together and sang, drank a few rounds, and sometimes Kadizzle got the buzz and did a hill billy dance. 

Those were the days my friends, we thought they would never end. We called our group the Stan Rodgers Glee Club. Stan Rodgers sang sea chanties. Rolling down to Old Maui, The Northwest Passage, and many more. Dave and Chuck were members in good standing. It was a chance for men to be with men and do what men do. Chuck was both a great singer, and a good man on the accordion. Dave was just a singer and teller of tales.  

So we thought we would be picked off one by one, but two in a day is disturbing. Chuck had the passion for sailing Kadizzle did. Dave was a book worm and left the library every week with a stack of books. Dave taught English and was certainly qualified. Our kids grew up with Dave's kids and we spent many Thanksgiving dinners together. Dave was our first neighbor out in the countryside. Both men brought so many good experiences. 

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